How Much Bacteria is in Your Mouth?
Bacteria can be found everywhere: on your hands, when you touch a doorknob, at a restaurant, in the bathroom, etc. We sometimes get so caught up worrying about not touching things that carry bacteria that we forget that more than a large cup of bacteria can be found inside you!

More specifically, at any one time there can be up to 6 million bacteria found in your mouth; your mouth is a huge carries for bacteria. GROSS! The presence of bacteria in your mouth can cause bad breath and, more importantly, can eat away at your teeth causing cavities, dental infections, and gingivitis. Even worse, some mouth bacteria can cause heart disease and kidney disease.
Here at Periodontal Associates, we stress the importance of controlling how much bacteria is in you mouth and not letting it get out of hand. While we understand that bacteria can always be found in your mouth, and some bacteria is even good for you, it is important to maintain a strict hygiene regimen so that you don't have painful and potentially costly dental issues. Dr. Ken Versman, Dr. Douglas Heller, and Dr. Eric Beckman can teach you the proper techniques so that you are knowledgeable. In addition, it is important to schedule routine dental check-ups with your dentist so that any serious damage can be noticed and prevented.

Dr. Ken Versman, Dr. Douglas Heller, and Dr. Eric Beckman can help you keep your mouth healthy before bacteria does any serious harm. To schedule your appointment, do not hesitate to call us at (303) 755-4500, click here for an appointment, or visit our website at